Build Your Facade is a hack created by aglab2 for the Mario Jams Façade Competition.
Join Mario in rebuilding the castle that was stolen by Bowser and uncover the truth behind the character identity...
This game has 5 endings, find them all!
Façade Features[]
There are four options for each of the nine aspects of the Castle, meaning that there are 36 different parts in total.
The options are vanilla, gravelly, wasteland and dull. Vanilla is identical to vanilla Super Mario 64; gravelly has darker grass and a blue-hued gravel path. Wasteland is just dirt, and dull is dull-looking grass with a brown path.
The options are vanilla, crazy, dark, and smooth. Vanilla is identical to vanilla Super Mario 64; crazy is a mixture of blue, orange and white bricks. Dark is grey bricks, and smooth is pale small bricks with light texturing.
The options are vanilla, Koopa, lava, and dry. Vanilla is identical to vanilla Super Mario 64; Koopa has slightly different water with several Koopa's surfing around it on their shells. Lava is... well, lava, and dry is empty with stone textures on the sides.
The options are vanilla, dark, stoney, and awful. Vanilla is identical to vanilla Super Mario 64; dark has grey bricks with a red stoney walkway. Stoney has light grey bricks with a pebbley walkway, and awful has the same textures as vanilla, albiet with several large holes in the model.
The options are vanilla, haunting, Bros. and tiny. Vanilla is identical to vanilla Super Mario 64; haunting has the same windows as those seen on the mansion in Big Boo's Haunt. Bros. has half of the windows feature an 'M' on them, and the other half feature an 'L'. Tiny has small, upside-down semicircle windows.
The options are vanilla, Bowser, clock, and jammy. Vanilla is identical to vanilla Super Mario 64; Bowser shows Bowser's portrait painting from SM64. Clock uses the clock texture from beta SM64, and jammy shows the logo for the Mario Jams team.
The options are vanilla, red, grey, and stoney. Vanilla is identical to vanilla Super Mario 64; red looks similar to vanilla but is notably darker in colour. Grey has dark grey square tiles, and pebbley uses the round pebble texture.
The options are vanilla, black, crazy, and natural. Vanilla is identical to vanilla Super Mario 64; black has large flat-topped turrets made of very dark bricks. Crazy uses blue, orange and white bricks with a pebbley roof, and natural has trees on the top of each turret.
Central Tower[]
The options are vanilla, grey, one, and stoney. Vanilla is identical to vanilla Super Mario 64; grey uses grey bricks with dark roofing. One features a comically large number 1 on its top, and stoney has pebbley roofing.
The options are vanilla, cave, fire and ice. Vanilla is identical to vanilla Super Mario 64; cave is the dark green skybox used in Bowser in the Dark World. Fire has the firey skybox used in Lethal Lava Land, and ice is the distant icy mountains used in Cool Cool Mountain.
This ending is achieved by using any combination of parts that doesn't qualify for any of the other four endings. In this one, Lakitu commands Mario to perish after complaining that the Castle looks too random. Mario promptly perishes and is sent to the Bad Ending room. Each time this ending is achieved, Mario's colours will get randomly switched, resulting in some pretty neat rave outfits.
Peach Ending
This ending is achieved by choosing the parts that are identical to Peach's Castle. After doing so, Peach will suddenly appear next to Mario and give him a kiss, before he is warped away to the Peach Ending room moments later.
Bowser Ending
This ending is achieved by picking the parts that are the most reminiscent of what one may see at Bowser's Castle, such as the dark textures, the lava moat, and of course, Bowser's portrait. After doing so, Lakitu will accuse Mario of actually being Bowser and call for all of the Toads to evacuate the Castle. Bowser-Mario (Bowsario?) then proceeds to breathe a load of fire around before being warped to the Bowser Ending room. Here, Bowser-Mario is playable, albeit stuck in a permanent running animation whenever he is stationary.
Beta Ending
This ending is achieved by choosing the parts that use assets from the beta version of Super Mario 64, such as the dull dirt path, smooth brick walls, clock face and tiny windows. After doing so, the screen will suddenly develop a doubling effect before Lakitu calls Mario a beta male and has him crushed by a Thwomp, thus sending him to the Beta Ending room. Here, Mario appears identical, but his sound effects have been replaced with their beta equivalents.
Jammy Ending
This ending is achieved by choosing the options that secretly have a connection to the Mario Jams team. Achieving this ending will not warp Mario to a room, but instead take him to the end screen. The file that is being played on will now be marked as "CLEAR", and the parts to achieve this ending are as follows:
- The Bros. windows
- The awful bridge full of holes
- The logo for the Mario Jams team
- The Koopa moat
- The '1' main turret
After Lakitu is done gushing over the new Castle, it is revealed that Mario's model has now been replaced with a 3D rendition of the Mario Jams logo.