Super Mario 64 Hacks Wiki

The Halloween Competition TWO was a Halloween-themed ROM hacking competition hosted by SimpleFlips in 2022. It received 19 entries over the course of approximately one and a half months.

Hack Creator(s) Place
Super Spooky Mario 666 (2019 Demo) spk 1st
Mario's House of Horror biobak 2nd
Next Door Felegg 3rd
Super Event Horizon BenWolf, SheeshFR 4th
Mario's Candy Quest YoshiMilkman 5th
Void Adventure 64 PortheusDiabolu 6th
Smashma Halloween hamius8000 7th
House of Nightmares 64 Scyhigh 8th
Trick or Treat 64 ZobeePlays 9th
Dark Souls 64 rystills 10th
Luigi's Mansion -1 emu 11th
Mario's Journey for Tricks and (Maybe Treats) rosalubyte 12th
Candy Collecter 64 TheNail 13th
Lights Out 64 QJRocks, RainbowKappaMC 14th
Valley of the Lost Souls MishuK9 15th
Halloween Hack 2019 someone2639 16th
Pumpkin n Dumpin (and cunkin) pokeblox45 17th
Fun and Creative Halloween Hack... 64 LauraLuvbi 18th
Recycling Spookiness 64 GraymonDGT 19th