Super Mario 64 Hacks Wiki

The Mario Jams One Competition was the 5th ROM hacking competition hosted by Mario Jams. It received 15 submissions over the course of approximately nine days.


Hack Creator(s) Place
DimensiOne ArcticJaguar725, Reonu, thecozies, Team HackerSM64 1st
City Rumble (Part 1) Xinus22 2nd
Oneshot BoomerDaCat 3rd
Spaghetti Tube 64 rovertronic 4th
Fazana's ONE Jam Entry Fazana 5th
M.A.R.I.O. Simulation Training QJRocks 6th
Only One Star Hyena_Chan 7th
One Piece 1up One-derland MishuK9 8th
One Up furyiousfight 9th
$1 kittrz 10th
mario 1 joopii 11th
Super Mario 1D someone2639 12th
One Cock One Ball aka Baller 64 emu 13th
Super Mario Galaxy 2 2: Super Mario Galaxy 1 CowQuack Not Assigned
2 Keyblader Not Assigned