Super Mario 64 Hacks Wiki
Operation: Christmas
File:Operation Christmas Title Screen.png
Creator Kaze & BroDute
Number of Stars 7
Created December 2015
Level Information
Number of Levels 1
Number of Secret Levels 0
Download Link

Operation: Christmas is a mini-hack made by Kaze and BroDute, released for Christmas 2015. It contains only one level with seven stars.

Unlike most Christmas hacks, this one is set on a tropical beach for Christmas vacation. Mario plays the role of a "Grinch" for this hack, as the stars are themed around things like destroying presents, burning down a Christmas tree, and beating up Santa.


Name Stars Stars Required
Tourist Beach 7 0


Used in Song
Tourist Beach
Inside the House The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Gerudo Valley
Santa Fight Undertale - Megalovania


  • One of the Bob-ombs is sad that Star Road 2 wasn't released for Christmas. He is likely much sadder now.